
English Period.

What's this?
I'm typing out a blog during English when I should be researching about The Harlem Renaissance?
Whatever, I don't believe anyone is actually doing what they are supposed to be doing anyway. Wait, that's a lie. The girl sitting next to me is actually doing her work... What a good kid.

It's been a while since I last updated on here, but not all that much has happened recently so there hasn't been any reason to post anything. I suppose I could talk about school, I mean, I'm in one right now, it only seems appropriate. Our second semester began a few weeks back and my schedule changed quite a bit. Instead of Introduction to Art, I'm now taking Draw and Design, I took Spanish last semester, and now I'm taking English (Am I the only one that sees the slightest amount of irony in that?), last semester I ended with History, this semester I finish up the day with Algebra 2. I'm pretty happy with the changes, all except for one thing. I was excited for the new semester because I would finally be through with History, well, to my disappointment, my new English class actually turned out to be just another History class... With more reading tacked on to it. LAME. But I guess it isn't so bad... I mean, I'd rather be reading To Kill a Mocking Bird than taking endless notes about World War 2. I don't like wars. Or killing. Or protective birds. But that's another story entirely. Maybe I'll talk about that sometime.
Shit. Class is nearly over. I'll continue this at home tonight.

~More Than One Day Later~

I just read over what I've written so far and... Well, I don't really feel like adding anything else. Wait, no. I never really concluded the above paragraph. I'm going to do that now...
Let's see... Oh! I know what to write.

School sucks.


  1. Isn't today a Saturday...? What are you doing in school on a SATURDAY!?

    (And before you wonder why this random person just commented on your blog post, know that I do feel awkward commenting in the first place...)

  2. (You commented back! :O)

    Oh, well it wasn't a big deal.. hehe ^^; That makes more sense.

    And no problem about following you! (If that didn't sound creepy) I think you're a bit funny... :)

  3. No problemo! :)

    I hope we both become famous in the near future! :D
